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Emre Ayar

Highlights - Template Messages

Template Messages

  • Scheduled multiple template message submission
  • Campaign naming for multiple template message submission
  • Bug fixes on template message preview
  • Fixed multiple template message index number bug


  • UI Changes for customer information
  • Version Upgrade: Connexease V2 to V3 (V2 will not be available)
  • Optional user mention in instagram comments
  • Bug fixes and improvements on archive search
    • Wrong customer attributes supply
    • Missing customer name search
  • Improvements on date picker
  • Improved account switch select
  • Fix quick reply selection bug (it does not clear text field now)
  • Fix customer name update when it was blank before
  • Fix invalid auto assignment property causing crash
  • Fix duplicate email channel creation
  • Fix flowbot creation invalid property bug
  • Improvements for flowbot and server conversation assignment performance
  • Fix bulk archive causing invalid account_id on relations